
Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery(MIGS) 2022.04.13

Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery(MIGS)

What is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that is often associated with elevated intraocular pressure(IOP), in which damage to the optic nerve can lead to loss of vision gradually or rapidly. Because vision loss due to glaucoma cannot be recovered, it’s important to have regular eye exams that include measurements of your eye pressure so a diagnosis can be made in its early stages and treated appropriately.

Can glaucoma be operated on?

Yes. However, it is needed to weigh up the pros and cons when we decide on a treatment for glaucoma. First line treatment for glaucoma is usually in the form of eye drops. When this option is no longer sufficient or is not suitable, glaucoma surgery may be required.

Through the glaucoma surgery, a new drainage pathway is made for the fluid to exit the eye because glaucoma is a disease in which IOP increases due to poor circulation of the aqueous humor that supplies nutrients to the eye. In the case of cataract, most of the eyesight is restored by surgery, whereas in glaucoma, eye drops and surgical treatment should be applied complementary to each other.

Typical types of Microinvasive glaucoma surgery(MIGS)?

Conventional glaucoma filtration surgery is effective but can be associated with significant risk factors. Microinvasive glaucoma surgery procedures are designed to lower IOP by improving aqueous outflow with minimal disruption to the sclera or conjunctiva with or without an implanted device, or by reducing aqueous production selectively.

Xen Gel Stent iStent Inject
A soft and flexible tube derived from porcine collagen. (about 6 mm) A tiny tube less than 1 mm in length made of surgical-grade titanium.
Advantage - Definite IOP lowering effect after surgery(over 95%)
- Less invasive and easy to reoperation
- Operation time: within 20 mins
- Fewer serious complications such as bleeding and cataract
- The finest glaucoma surgery up to now - Less chance of blockage with larger inner diameter than Xen Gel stent - Few discomfort such as initial vision loss after surgery
Disadvantage - Potential blockage due to fine stent size
- Possibility of initial vision loss after surgery
(about 2 weeks to 2 months)
- Low efficiency of intraocular pressure reduction - More effective in combination with the operation to remove cataracts
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