Basic Tests
Physical measurement (height, weight and body composition analysis), ophthalmology test(visual acuity, intraocular pressure, fundus exam and color blind test), auditory acuity, urine test
For Male
F 6,300,000
(1 night and 2 days)
Cardiovascular Tests
Blood pressure, ECG, echocardiography, Arterial Stiffness Index(ASI), wearable ECG monitor (one day)
Respiratory Test
Chest X-ray
Blood tests
Anemia, liver function, diabetes, hemoglobinA1C, hepatitis A, B and C, gout (uric acid), hyperlipidemia, syphilis, AIDS, muscular disease (CK and LDH), rheumatoid factors, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, tumor markers (liver, colon and pancreas), thyroid function, kidney function
For Female
Gynecologic Tests
Cervical cancer test (thin prep test), HPV(Human Papilloma Virus), mammography
Breast ultrasonography,
gynecologic ultrasonography
Ovarian cancer marker (blood),
Female hormone blood test
(E2, FSH, AMH)
Brain MRA, Pancreas MRI
NKcell, bone densitometry, biochemical markers of bone metabolism, skeletal X-ray (lumbar and knees), insulin, cortisol, homocysteine, Apo proteinA1/B, VitB12, iron, stress test, DHEA, IGF1
Tumor screening
PET/CT (brain excluded)