
Approval of Autologous PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment as a New Medical Technology to Women with Refractory Thin Endometrium from Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korean Government 2022.12.15

Approval of Autologous PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Treatment as a New Medical Technology to Women with Refractory Thin Endometrium from Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korean Government

One of the main reasons of recurrent implantation failure or habitual abortion is thin endometrium. When the endometrium is thin, it is difficult to maintain pregnancy, even though embryo is implanted well. Also, the endometrium does not get thickened despite of hormone medications.

Dr. Kim, Ji Hyang’s team in CHA Bundang Medical Center has developed a treatment which makes the endometrium thicker by the patient’s blood. ‘PRP Treatment’ was approved as a new medical technology from ministry of health and welfare, Korean government.

The proper thickness of endometrium for pregnancy is 8-10mm

When the endometrium is thin, the possibility of implantation gets low and it follows to the failure. Mostly when the period is over, thinned uterus lining becomes thicker to 8-12mm as going through proliferative phase. When the endometrium is 8-10mm at least, it is able to be pregnant and it is known to be difficult to be pregnant when it is less than 7mm.

A new treatment for patients with recurrent implantation due to refractory thin endometrium Introduction of autologous PRP infusion

Dr. Kim, Ji Hyang’s team in Fertility Center of CHA Bundang Medical Center has been treated the patients with refractory thin endometrium to make it thicker by PRP treatment for the first time and only in Korea. Platelet is one of the blood components that boosts tissue regression/healing. PRP is made of high concentration of platelet from patient’s own blood. When it is infused to the uterus, the endometrium got thicker than before.

30% of successful pregnancy with autologous PRP treatment Women with 4mm of endometrium gave birth

Dr. Kim, Ji Hyang’s Team has been on clinical research on autologous PRP treatment to the infertility patients who have thinner than 5.4mm of endometrium since December of 2015. In consequence, 30% of patients who could not be pregnant for 5.7 years in average have became successfully pregnant. A woman who had repeated miscarriages due to 4mm of endometrium is now able to give birth. The average of endometrium became thicker than 0.6mm and the endometrium became much healthier than before. PRP treatment is safe from side effect such as allergy reactions as it is extracted from the patient’s own blood. Also, platelet can be obtained simply from the patient’s blood collection.

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