Best Record in the Treatment of Cardiac, Pulmonary and Esophageal Diseases
Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeryis a medical specialty that provides surgical operation for all organs in the chest, namely the heart, lung, esophagus, mediastinum, diaphragm, and all the diseases related to blood vessels. The inconvenience of patients is minimized by reducing hospitalization and examination period before surgery through collaboration with other medicine. A team of specialists is ready for patients 24/7 and has a rapid emergency call system along with the methodical surgical operation system.
The Thoracic Surgery Department will continue to raise its status in cardiac, pulmonary and esophageal disease surgery by researching advanced therapeutic technology, introducing robot surgery and developing advanced stem cell therapy.
Outstanding Achievements in Cardiac, Pulmonary and Esophageal Cancer and Varicose Veins
The surgery team achieved good results in heart valve surgery, coronary artery disease surgery, and aortic and congenital heart disease surgery, thanks to the systematic organization of surgery team. Minimally invasive thoracoscopic surgery was applied for lung cancer patients to minimize complications, pain, and discomfort and to see patients' early recovery.
Laser is now applied to operate on varicose vein and provide vascular occlusion therapy while performing surgeries for peripheral arterial stenosis and hemodialysis for patients with renal failure.
Prompt Treatment of Patients with Palmar Hyperhidrosis through Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy
The staff performs thoracoscopic sympathectomy using a 2-mm thoracoscope for patients with hyperhidrosis. The surgical procedure minimizes scars and pain and allows us to discharge our patients from the hospital on the same day of surgery. On the contrary, we perform thoracoscopic sympathetic nerve reconstruction on the patients with compensatory hyperhidrosis and Horner's syndrome, which are side effects of hyperhidrosis, and then use abdominal fat stem cells to increase the therapeutic effects. The Department will continue to satisfy our patients' expectation, using minimally invasive techniques to reduce pain and enable early recovery.
Treating Funnel Chest by Using Double Nuss Bar Surgery
The so-called "Double Nuss Bar (DNB)" surgery is performed on patients with funnel chest, which can resolve disadvantages of the existing Nuss method. It is now drawing much attention as an effective treatment that reduces complications from surgery.