Diabetes Center

Systematic Care Customized for Diabetics and Thyroid Patients

The CBMC Diabetes Care Center provides specialized care for diabetes and thyroid diseases. Especially, all clinics and laboratories are located inside the Diabetes Care Center for the convenience of our patients to provide one-stop service that allows you to consult with your doctor, have medical checkup and even receive the result in one day.

· Well-aligned multidisciplinary care system for prevention and early diagnosis of complications

Consultation among endocrinology, ophthalmology, nephrology, vascular surgery, orthopedics, neurology, rehabilitation medicine, cardiology and nutrition team

· Individually customized care with specific clinics

Prevention clinic for diabetic complication, insulin pump clinic, diabetic retinopathy clinic, diabetic nephropathy clinic, diabetic foot disease clinic and cardiovascular clinic

· Medical team dedicated to diabetes consisting of endocrinologists, nurses in charge of diabetes education and nutritionists

Intensive education for diabetics by providing an education session and buffet for diabetic diet once a week

· In-depth researches in gestational diabetes and diabetes in the elderly and diabetes treatment